Globalization is a process of interaction among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, it is also the spread of economic, political, and cultural systems across the globe. Globalization can have some advantages such economic growth, prosperity, and democratic freedom, Nevertheless, their can be many disadvantages….
Advantages of Globalization
The globalization has sevaral advantages on the economic, cultural, social and some other fronts,it helps to reduce poverty and increase living standards as well as encourage a better cultural understanding.
- Economical advantages of Globalization
It is known that globalization increases the economic prosperity and opportunity in the developing world; In the 21th century, there is a worldwide market for the companies, and for the people, there is more access to products comming from different countries.
In the economy, there is a rising cash flow into the developing countries, which decreases the dollar difference. because these companies are known in a world wide network which then increases the amount of international clients. This increase causes the country to be economically developed.
Due to the worldwide market, there is also an increase in the production and there are lots of options for the companies now. Such as to make products suitable for the country where the company is situated. For example, in Morocco, Mc Donalds have made a special sandwich to satisfy the consumer’s tastes, for example : They made the Mc Arabia that is composed by the moroccan spices rather than United States. This process is really advantageous because it can influence other globalized companies to make products that are suitable to the area of sale. Therefore, the countries have to consider globalization as a way to « THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL »
People around the globe are more connected to each other. Goods and services that were once produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent which allows better communication among company owners and the different employees of different backgrounds and ethnic groups.
- Social and cultural advantages of Globalization
Socially, with Globalization, we became more open and tolerant towards each other, and people became less racist, because they have understood that foreigners can give the countries an added value.
Globalization leads to better cultural understanding and tolerance. Because of improvements in airplane companies, more and more people are traveling to different countries, therefore they spread their culture to other parts of the world.
Disadvantages of Globalization
Today, Europeans are losing jobs and that is causing problems for them, since the companies are outsourcing work to the Asian countries because the cost of labor is low and profits the company are higher.
Another major damage of globalization is that some cultures are getting lost. The cultures of the countries that have more economic power are more dominant than others. Because, wealthy countries produce many things that can affect cultures, for example, clothes, movies and technologic products, as a result, the true meaning and culture of this country will disappear .
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