Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where and Why should I Immigrate

Where Should I Immigrate?

After graduation from University of Miami, I will need an area to live in that must satisfy and meet positively all the criteria’s of Esprat.

Economical: I should immigrate in a country where jobs are available and the salary should be very important. The market products should fit my budget perfectly and in the other hand nit deprive myself from goodies I appreciate.

Sociology: The people should be very social in that certain area in order to be able to have discussions, and explore different backgrounds. The society should be in a well position to get what they need and decide what laws are appropriate for them.

Politics: The politics of that region should be very open which means that they I should live in a democratic country to have the ability to have freedom of speech and be able to vote. The parliament should be able to communicate what the nation feels and vote for laws that will be appropriate for the country. The country where I live should also have a very wise ruler with great experience of life and reign.

Religion: If I want to settle in a different country than mine, then there should be a freedom of religion, since my religion is different than those of America and Europe. I should also live in a country where there are some people with the same religion in order to keep my customs and culture. In order to feel safe and comfortable racism should be abolished in that country.

Arts: The Arts of that country should be very developed. It should have different kinds of museums, galleries, and have a previous history in art, where they had some influence in Renaissance and had artists that arouse pride in his or her country.

Technology: The country should have newest technology; for example: good transportation devices, could medical care, the communication devices or high tech devices such as self phones, computers, and televisions.

Geography: The country should be situated in a central area, and its location should be near great ports and oceans, such as the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea. The country should have great crops and fertile land in order to grow fruits and vegetables in order to sell to the country consumers.

In conclusion, I believe that the country that best satisfies all of these criteria’s is the United States. In a point of view economical it has some cheap products and the living there is not that expensive. Most of Americans that I know are sociable and kind. United States have a democracy which allows freedom of speech and that is what a country is all about, to be able to communicate what you feel. In a religion point of view, United States allows every religion in its country and there are many Muslims that live in Morocco which allows me to keep my culture and customs. United States also have great museums and were influenced by European countries during the Renaissance. Finally, this country has the newest technology and one of the best emplacements because they have the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.