Defintion of political party
According to the law, the political party is a non-profit permanent organization, established according to a convention between physical persons who share the same principles, to participate by democratic ways, in the management of the public affairs.
Any political party has to have a program, statues, and internal rules written. The program fixes foundations and objectives which the party wants to reach, the statues fix the rules of functioning and the administrative and financial organization of the party. The internal rules specifies the procedures of each of the organs of the party.
Analysis of main political parties in Morocco
The parties serve to support the citizens and each party defend their ideology and their government manner. Each party have its own ideas and priority to defend. There are different parties left center and right parties.
Left Parties:

Itihad al ishtiraki (USFP) : It is one branch of the Istiqlal it removed to create a new party called USFP. The founder was El Yazri.
His program is based on Economical, Social,healthy,sport,information part...
- Ecomical part: he proposed to manage better the budget of our state.
- Social plan : the objectif will be put on the question of the education in order to fight against the illiteracy within 5 years.
- concerning health, the program planned measures to form nurses.The party also is interested to give all chance to sport to be important in our country.
- Concerning the press and information, the USFP makes a commitment to pursue the reform of the Code of the press with the aim of more freedom .

The PPS defines itself as an independent, social democratic, progressive national party, which respects the socialist principles, the militant traditions of the Moroccan people, the Arab-Amazigh culture and the values of Islam. The Party counts intellectuals as well as manual workers among its supporters.
Right Parties:

Istiqlal is the largest political party. It was founded by Allal Fassi in 1940. It was the main political force struggling for Moroccan Independence. It is one of the oldest parties.
Priciples and Obejctives: Istiqlal is the nationalist party of Morocco and the party in power, functioning in line with the Moroccan Monarchy. The connection with Islam and the constitutional monarchy and the throne, the safeguarding of Morocco's cultural identity, the realisation of economical and social equality, the development of the economy and the reduction of economic and social differences between the regions. Istiqlal also wants to offer more attention to the position of Moroccans living abroad.
Center Parties:

RNI: founded in 1978, Against the left party and right party, It means the national gathering of the independent ones. the secreatary- genaral is Mustapha Mansouri
the program of RNI is based on the promotion of social democracy within the constitutional monarchy, the preservation of the Arab-African Moroccan identity and the defence of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom. In the context of this program, the RNI calls for the realisation of a social project, aimed at the creation of a solid and competitive economy, which guarantees labour places, the development of the country, and reform of the legal system as well as the tax system.

PAM: Founder Fouad Ali Hima. It is the newest political party in Morocco. It means Authencity and Modernity Party
Islamist Party:

PJD: Islamist party is against right and left parties,is consideras a party who defends all Islamist and Islam. It means the justice and development party. founded in 1978, the name of
Secretary-General is Saad Eddine EL OTHMANI
The Party is moderate Islamist and a growing force in the country. The Islamist PJD carefully paves the way for a more religious orientated Morocco by creating the image of being the true defender of the Muslim state.Five key points: authenticity, sovereignty, democracy, equality and development – everything in accordance with Islam.