Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Social values

1st-Social Contract: An agreement for mutual benefit between an individual or group and the government or community as a whole. By agreeing with one another to make a state by contract, men within a given area joined together, each surrendering personal freedom as necessary to promote the safety and well being of all. By this contract the members created a government. The social contract gives rights and responsibilities to both the citizenry and the government.

2nd-Natural rights: The basic rights and freedoms, to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

3rd-Popular sovereignty: The doctrine that sovereign power is vested in the people and that those chosen to govern, as trustees of such power, must exercise it in conformity with the general will. Popular sovereignty is government based on the consent of the people. Government, established by free choice of the people, is expected to serve the people, who have sovereignty, or supreme power.

4th-Right of Revolution: Revolution is the over-throw of an established government, but to assert a right of revolution is to imply that such an upheavel is legitimate. It is an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.

5th-Self determination: Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion; free will. It is the freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence. It is also freedom to live as one chooses, or to act or decide without consulting another or others.


The most important term regarding the value of the society is “social contract” since it should be an agreement between people to ensure a coordinate society. Without the social contract, it will an anarchy and no law or right can be established since everything will be based on personal interest.
After establishing the “social contract”, people should have rights to have freedom of expression to be part of society; that is the reason why the term” human rights “comes in the second position.
Next comes “the popular sovereignty”. When people will have their own right, they will be able to vote for their own sovereign to create their government.
In the fourth position, there is “the right of revolution”. After defining the popular sovereignty, political leaders may abuse their power; that is the reason why there should be a right of revolution to be able to rebel and express their rights.
Finally, at last comes “self determination” that determines the right of the people as an individual country without considering the rest of the other countries. This term comes at the end of the importance of the society’s value because every country decides for its rights considering its habits, constraints, religion, values and history.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?

There are different reasons why people migrate from Morocco; it can be economical, political, or social reasons.

Economical reasons:
· People want to invest in other countries where labor force is cheaper than Morocco.
· Taxes in Morocco are higher than some other countries.
· High unemployed rate in Morocco push citizens to migrate in order to look for better economical situations.

Political reason:
· Political refugee asks other countries to accept him in their country in order to protect him.

Social reasons:
· Moroccans get married with people who live in other countries, so they migrate in order to be regrouped.
· Graduate Moroccan students migrate to other countries because they propose a better education than Morocco.
· Some Moroccan believes that the solution for being rich is to migrate in other countries where they can work for better salary.
· People also migrate because they want to discover new horizons and new areas rather than staying in Morocco.
· Ill Moroccans migrate because medical cares in other countries are more developed

Using Esprat g what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?

Economical reason:
· Business men get opportunities of better affairs in other countries, so they migrate.

Sociological reason:
· Graduate students migrate to other countries because education in Europe, North America, Great Britain….etc proposes a much better education than Morocco.

Political reason:
· Some ambassadors or councils migrate from Morocco to represent Morocco in other countries.

Religious reason:
· Some religious men migrate to spread and teach Islam in other countries.

Arts reason:
· Some actors and singers such as Samira Bensaid migrated to Egypt because singers have a better value in other countries than Morocco.

Technological reason:
· Moroccans that graduated from technology universities live in other countries with high technology in order to share their ideas and learn about last updates of technology.

Geographic reason:
· Some countries are much more beautiful than Morocco in terms of buildings, climate, etc…

Who is migrating to Morocco? Why?

People who are migrating to Morocco are one who wants to have a better life than his ancient life.
We can see migrates coming from south Africa because they think that morocco is more developed than their country, so they can find job easily.
We can also find people coming from Europe, America, Australia….etc to Morocco in order to have better way of life, climate…etc

There are many reasons why people migrate:

Economical reasons:
· People want to invest in Morocco where labor force is cheap.
· Business men migrate to morocco to open its business because taxes and duty are cheaper.
· Professional people came to morocco to export their knowledge, which allows him to be paid better than his salary in his original country.

Social Reasons:
· Retired people come to Morocco because their salary can fit them and make them live in a comfortable way in Morocco, contrarily, to their original country where there purchasing power cannot afford them the same living way comparing to morocco.
· Foreign people get married with Moroccan and decide to live in morocco.
· Asthmatic people migrate to morocco to live in some cities which have a micro climate.

Political Reasons:
· Political refugee asks Moroccan government to accept him in their country in order to be protected from political decision that his country imposes him.


Pathways to Present Definition
Mercantilism: This theory held that a country should try to get and keep as much gold as possible. The more gold and silver the wealthier the country will be. If a country has no sources of gold and bullion it should trade.
A country should show more export than import this is the balance of trade.
The colonies should not be allowed to sell products to other nations or even engage in manufacturing.
The parent country should require its colonies to use its ships for transporting their raw materials.
England’s balance of trade would improve by providing raw materials such as tobacco, furs, and gold for England to sell to other countries and the colonies had to buy England manufacturing goods.

Fact Finder Definition
Mercantilism, is an economic system that stresses the goals of the national government rather than the individual, developed in Europe as the feudal system (a social system based on strict class structures) declined at the end of the Middle Ages (c. 450–c. 1500). Mercantilism was the main economic system in Europe during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. This system required the national government to strictly control businesses to meet certain objectives, such as exporting (selling) more goods to other countries than importing (buying) goods from other countries.
Wikipedia Definition
Mercantilism is an economic theory which says that the development or affluence of a country depends on its supply of capital. This capital is accumulated bullion which the state owns. To achieve or increase this bullion the state should induldge in protectionalist policies in order to increase their balance of trade. To do so the state should works in order to increase its exports and decrease its imports.
Yahoo answers definition
The main economic system used during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. The main goal
was to increase a nation's wealth by imposing government regulation concerning all of the nation's commercial interests. It was believed that national strength could be maximized by limiting imports via tariffs and maximizing exports.
Definition of the Declaration of Independence
The American colonists could be compared to tenants who were expected to 'pay rent', i.e., provide materials for export to Britain. Britain's goal was to have a greater number of exports than imports allowing them to store up wealth in the form of bullion. According to mercantilism, the wealth of the world was fixed. To increase wealth a country had two options: explore or make war.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

World Daily Soccer

I heard a podcast on soccer, it was two british men that were talking about players and teams. They talked about Wayne Rooney who is a famous England player, they said that he had wonderful shots and that it was Sir Alex Ferguson that trained him to be a marvelous player. They also talked about Milan A.C which is an italian team. They said that they lost their coach which was very good and their manager and Kaka which was the best player of the team. They are wondering how they will do this year.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where and how you see effects of colonization in Morocco?

The change of Morocco
The language of Morocco changed, french became a second language in Morocco. Mostly, all the next generation in Morocco speak French as a first or second language. Areas in Morocco have French names such as Rue Moiliere, Rue Galileo etc... We also have an independence day which dates from 1956. The french also installed the train ONCF, in Morocco, without them there would be no train. Some areas in Morocco have a European architecture such as Spanish areas or French areas.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Esprat+G is a framework for studying social studies. It is all the parts that are need in Social Studies

- Economics: A social science concerned with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics are social activities that are related to the production, distribution, trade and services. Economics is also money that is mostly earned by working in factories, farming, marketing, commerce etc... Most of the people in the world have the job of farmers especially in areas with rich natural resources.

- Sociology: Sociology is the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships. In the society there are many types of grouping such as tribes, friends, sport teams, working teams, etc...They usually have to be cooperate and indulgent in order to succeed in their group. The groups have to work together to achieve more.

- Political Science: It is the study of government and politics. It is also the person in charge of the country it can be a monarch or a democrate. In a democracy there is a freedom of speech and people can vote however, in a monarchy there is no freedom of speech concerning the monarch and there is no voting. The rules given by the 2 rulers are approximately the same and they are usually given by the government. All of the rulers and government treat people equally, everyone follow the same rules.

- Religion: The service and worship of God or the supernatural. People believe that God created the Earth and appointed 3 men to show 3 different types of worship and religion. Mohamed, Jesus, and Moses. Muslims believe that when the person is dead, its soul goes to heaven or hell. First, Islam started with Mohamed we had been sent papers were was written the Coran and furthermore there were a lot of papers that we stocked and we use it in our life to pray, to read, etc...This Coran was written many times and everyone reads about it from the century of Mohamed the Prophet.

- Arts: Paintings, drawings, drama, music, etc... are all types of Arts. Usually people express their creativity by showinh what they feel and what symbolizes excellence. They express creativity by drawing, writing, or other. Most of the artwork in Morocco are pictures of the sahara, camels, and everything that represents the culture and costumes. Most people in Morocco enjoy playing soccer because it is an international sport that gives people entertainment. Most people are dressed in Djelabas it is a type of dress that is long and covers all your body, in order to respect the rules of God.

- Technology: Technology is the use of science in solving problems and a technical method of doing something. People use basic technology such as computers to work and cell phones, and use television as an entertainment. All of the technology that is found in Morocco came from other societies, Moroccans are not experts in new technology, they excel in other domains such as cooking, fishing, gathering, and constructing.

- Geography: A science that deals with the location of living and nonliving things on earth and the way they affect one another, even the natural parts of an area. The geography may change a whole way of life, for example if the geography of an area is dry, people such as moroccans would not farm like they usually do they will try other areas such as construction. If an area relies mainly on farming it will probably have a poor economic basis. Also, a farming region may not have as good technology as other developed countries.


Three men found guilty of liquid bomb airline plot

Three men were found guilty Monday of plotting to blow up planes on flights between Britain and North America, Woolwich Crown Court in London said. Abdullah Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Tanwir Hussain were all found guilty of "conspiracy to murder by the detonation of improvised explosive devices on trans-Atlantic aircraft" in a majority verdict of 11 to 1. Five other men were found not guilty of that charge.
It was the second trial of the men arrested in August 2006 on suspicion of plotting to blow up planes with liquid explosives in soft-drink bottles.

A New Specie of rats found

New Discovery

Scientists have discovered a new species of giant rat in a remote rainforest in Papua New Guinea. Measuring 82 centimeters (32.2 inches) from nose to tail and weighing around 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds), the species is thought to be one of the largest rats ever to be found.
The discovery was made by a team from the BBC Natural History Unit inside the crater of Mount Bosavi -- an extinct volcano in the Southern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea.
"This is one of the world's largest rats. It's a true rat, the same kind you find in the city sewers," said Kristofer Helgen, a biologist from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, who was part of the expedition team.
This was a BBC report

Why Study History?

Why should we study history?

History is the study of the past, history are unresolved mysteries of life. These mysteries have to be justified and the only way to justify them is to study it, to learn about what is happening and what happened in the world in order to find the answer to these problems and mysteries. History is sometimes interesting because it is amazing and a lot of weird things happened long time ago. History also allows us to compare the historic world with the modern world; people want to know about the evolution of humanity.
The last reason why we should study history, is because the past causes the present, and so the future. Any time we try to know why something happened, suicide, death, war, or congresses we have to look for factors that took shape earlier to resolve these unknown events.
History is an important feature in our lives, for example when black people where mistreated before, other people still kept this image of the black people and still mistreat them.
Another example, is religion, it came from the past and without certain people in the history such as Mohamed, Jesus, and Moses people would not go to their sacred place and worship. Without Mohamed, muslims would not be able to do Ramadan, without Jesus there would be no christmas, and without Moses there would be no Hanukkah.
Without history there would be no revolution, and it is caused many special days such as Independence day, 14th of July, and the Green March, etc...
History is like a car, you cannot drive if you have not seen the rear view mirror

Sunday, September 6, 2009

21th Century Skills

My parents and I had a conversation about the 21st century skills and we found out that there were 8 skills that were required to succeed in life


-Health is imprtant because when you are healthy you can run, walk, or do sports and you will not get really tired.
-Health is also important because when you are healthy you can concentrate and focus on your work rather than taking pills, coughing, or have heart diseases etc...

- To respect each member of the family.
- To share time, happiness, problems and what concerns your life.
- To give the family an opportunity to be proud of you by doing good things.

- To be honnest, enthousiastic, and motivated for each task you do.
- To be creative and propose ideas out of the box in order to achieve what you want.
- Make deep researches in internet and to know everythinbg concering technology.
- To respect the rules of work.


- To be helpful and share your point of view with your team or group mates.
- To work in a team, make ideas much better instead than one point of view
- To encourage others in your team makes them appreciate you and makes them want to work.
- Brainstorming with your group and then taking only the best ideas for a better result
- Use international network and be part of speeches in order to be aware about what is happening on internation companies and use it on your work


- To respect each other
- To be quite while working
- To respect common rules.
- To be an actif citizen by doing something that can help you country to be better like create an accociation for one branch or more.


-Know about the history of different people in order to know their culture, from where they come from, in order to interact with them in proffessional domains and be able to have discussions, share ideas.
- Learning about people and their history allows you to encircle more a person and convince him easily or your interlocutor.

Creativity and Innovation

- To be creative is important because its makes your work proffessional and makes people want to read rather than giving too much information.
- To innovate by doing more than what is expected for you to do.

Critical Thinking

- To think about things not to absorb ideas and to accept it we should analyze it deeply and use you backgorund and knowledge to judge idea and use it correctly.
- To try many times to solve a problem, to put all of your efforts not to try and abandone in these years if someone is able to accomplish something you should also be able to do it.

My Opinion

The 21st century did not follow the normal evolution like other centuries. This evolution was both advantageous and disadvantageous. In a couple of years, most of the population use internet, have a cell phone, can have the information at the same moment when it happens, by watching tv, reading newspaper, or surfing on internet. We can also notice that the planet is more damaged because people do not respect it, and we also see each day fighting and wars between countries and people. In order to follow a good evolution from the 21st century to 22nd century and to let a good world for our children to grow and have a good education, we have to respect each other, learn languages, and use technology because in the future, all work will be done by using technology such as internet, or by cell phone. Technology is important because we can communicate around the world, know more things and inform all of our surroundings. However, people do not have to use technology in a bad way by wasting their time chatting and forgeting their work or watching unappropriate videos.

5 reasons why blogging is a good reason.

-The first reason why blogging is great, is because everyone can exchange ideas and write about what he feels, his emotions, his life, his career and his experience of life. In addition to it, people can even comment on what you wrote or even give you advice.

-The second reason why blogging is great, is because you can read other profiles and share ideas with people that have the same hobbies or other...

-The third reason is to improve yourself in the use of technology. People probably never used technology except television so blogging may be a new way of use of technology.

-The fourth reason is to be able to find new friends and read what they like and what they do.

- The fifith and last reason why blogging is good is because you can add pictures of yourself or a holiday in a country. Or even, random pictures you've taken.

Goals for 2009-2010

-My first goal is to have a grade 6 in all my courses.
To reach my goal of having grade 6 im ready, to sacrifice all my week ends on working, coming each day at 7:30 to ask for help from teachers .

-My second goal is to be part of the varsity basket ball team this year.
To do it i have to b on time and play usually basket to improve my skills and, to follow direction from teacher and from the coach.

-My third goal is to have an excellent grade in the PSAT
To succeed on PSAT i have to review all my lessons each week in order to remind my lessons and, get focused and on task during the test.

-My fourth goal this year is to have as much fun as possible in Explore Morocco
To have fun I have to quite fighting with my friends and be happy whatever happens.

Who I am

My name is Amine Benkirane I am 14 years old and turning 15 the 22th of November. I have been studying in Casablanca American School since i was 3 years old. I live with my mother because my parents are divorced. I have 1 father and 1 stepfather, 1 mother and 1 stepmother. I have a sister called Ghita Benkirane she is only two months old. Last year, was a great year because of the enthusiasme in the courses we had. I look forward to have another great year.