-Health is imprtant because when you are healthy you can run, walk, or do sports and you will not get really tired.
-Health is also important because when you are healthy you can concentrate and focus on your work rather than taking pills, coughing, or have heart diseases etc...

- To respect each member of the family.
- To share time, happiness, problems and what concerns your life.
- To give the family an opportunity to be proud of you by doing good things.
- To share time, happiness, problems and what concerns your life.
- To give the family an opportunity to be proud of you by doing good things.
- To be honnest, enthousiastic, and motivated for each task you do.
- To be creative and propose ideas out of the box in order to achieve what you want.
- Make deep researches in internet and to know everythinbg concering technology.
- To respect the rules of work.
- To be helpful and share your point of view with your team or group mates.
- To work in a team, make ideas much better instead than one point of view
- To encourage others in your team makes them appreciate you and makes them want to work.
- Brainstorming with your group and then taking only the best ideas for a better result
- Use international network and be part of speeches in order to be aware about what is happening on internation companies and use it on your work
- To respect each other
- To be quite while working
- To respect common rules.
- To be an actif citizen by doing something that can help you country to be better like create an accociation for one branch or more.
-Know about the history of different people in order to know their culture, from where they come from, in order to interact with them in proffessional domains and be able to have discussions, share ideas.
- Learning about people and their history allows you to encircle more a person and convince him easily or your interlocutor.
- To be creative is important because its makes your work proffessional and makes people want to read rather than giving too much information.
- To innovate by doing more than what is expected for you to do.
- To think about things not to absorb ideas and to accept it we should analyze it deeply and use you backgorund and knowledge to judge idea and use it correctly.
- To try many times to solve a problem, to put all of your efforts not to try and abandone in these years if someone is able to accomplish something you should also be able to do it.
The 21st century did not follow the normal evolution like other centuries. This evolution was both advantageous and disadvantageous. In a couple of years, most of the population use internet, have a cell phone, can have the information at the same moment when it happens, by watching tv, reading newspaper, or surfing on internet. We can also notice that the planet is more damaged because people do not respect it, and we also see each day fighting and wars between countries and people. In order to follow a good evolution from the 21st century to 22nd century and to let a good world for our children to grow and have a good education, we have to respect each other, learn languages, and use technology because in the future, all work will be done by using technology such as internet, or by cell phone. Technology is important because we can communicate around the world, know more things and inform all of our surroundings. However, people do not have to use technology in a bad way by wasting their time chatting and forgeting their work or watching unappropriate videos.
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