What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?
There are different reasons why people migrate from Morocco; it can be economical, political, or social reasons.
Economical reasons:
· People want to invest in other countries where labor force is cheaper than Morocco.
· Taxes in Morocco are higher than some other countries.
· High unemployed rate in Morocco push citizens to migrate in order to look for better economical situations.
Political reason:
· Political refugee asks other countries to accept him in their country in order to protect him.
Social reasons:
· Moroccans get married with people who live in other countries, so they migrate in order to be regrouped.
· Graduate Moroccan students migrate to other countries because they propose a better education than Morocco.
· Some Moroccan believes that the solution for being rich is to migrate in other countries where they can work for better salary.
· People also migrate because they want to discover new horizons and new areas rather than staying in Morocco.
· Ill Moroccans migrate because medical cares in other countries are more developed
Using Esprat g what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?
Economical reason:
· Business men get opportunities of better affairs in other countries, so they migrate.
Sociological reason:
· Graduate students migrate to other countries because education in Europe, North America, Great Britain….etc proposes a much better education than Morocco.
Political reason:
· Some ambassadors or councils migrate from Morocco to represent Morocco in other countries.
Religious reason:
· Some religious men migrate to spread and teach Islam in other countries.
Arts reason:
· Some actors and singers such as Samira Bensaid migrated to Egypt because singers have a better value in other countries than Morocco.
Technological reason:
· Moroccans that graduated from technology universities live in other countries with high technology in order to share their ideas and learn about last updates of technology.
Geographic reason:
· Some countries are much more beautiful than Morocco in terms of buildings, climate, etc…
Who is migrating to Morocco? Why?
People who are migrating to Morocco are one who wants to have a better life than his ancient life.
We can see migrates coming from south Africa because they think that morocco is more developed than their country, so they can find job easily.
We can also find people coming from Europe, America, Australia….etc to Morocco in order to have better way of life, climate…etc
There are many reasons why people migrate:
Economical reasons:
· People want to invest in Morocco where labor force is cheap.
· Business men migrate to morocco to open its business because taxes and duty are cheaper.
· Professional people came to morocco to export their knowledge, which allows him to be paid better than his salary in his original country.
Social Reasons:
· Retired people come to Morocco because their salary can fit them and make them live in a comfortable way in Morocco, contrarily, to their original country where there purchasing power cannot afford them the same living way comparing to morocco.
· Foreign people get married with Moroccan and decide to live in morocco.
· Asthmatic people migrate to morocco to live in some cities which have a micro climate.
Political Reasons:
· Political refugee asks Moroccan government to accept him in their country in order to be protected from political decision that his country imposes him.
There are different reasons why people migrate from Morocco; it can be economical, political, or social reasons.
Economical reasons:
· People want to invest in other countries where labor force is cheaper than Morocco.
· Taxes in Morocco are higher than some other countries.
· High unemployed rate in Morocco push citizens to migrate in order to look for better economical situations.
Political reason:
· Political refugee asks other countries to accept him in their country in order to protect him.
Social reasons:
· Moroccans get married with people who live in other countries, so they migrate in order to be regrouped.
· Graduate Moroccan students migrate to other countries because they propose a better education than Morocco.
· Some Moroccan believes that the solution for being rich is to migrate in other countries where they can work for better salary.
· People also migrate because they want to discover new horizons and new areas rather than staying in Morocco.
· Ill Moroccans migrate because medical cares in other countries are more developed
Using Esprat g what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?
Economical reason:
· Business men get opportunities of better affairs in other countries, so they migrate.
Sociological reason:
· Graduate students migrate to other countries because education in Europe, North America, Great Britain….etc proposes a much better education than Morocco.
Political reason:
· Some ambassadors or councils migrate from Morocco to represent Morocco in other countries.
Religious reason:
· Some religious men migrate to spread and teach Islam in other countries.
Arts reason:
· Some actors and singers such as Samira Bensaid migrated to Egypt because singers have a better value in other countries than Morocco.
Technological reason:
· Moroccans that graduated from technology universities live in other countries with high technology in order to share their ideas and learn about last updates of technology.
Geographic reason:
· Some countries are much more beautiful than Morocco in terms of buildings, climate, etc…
Who is migrating to Morocco? Why?
People who are migrating to Morocco are one who wants to have a better life than his ancient life.
We can see migrates coming from south Africa because they think that morocco is more developed than their country, so they can find job easily.
We can also find people coming from Europe, America, Australia….etc to Morocco in order to have better way of life, climate…etc
There are many reasons why people migrate:
Economical reasons:
· People want to invest in Morocco where labor force is cheap.
· Business men migrate to morocco to open its business because taxes and duty are cheaper.
· Professional people came to morocco to export their knowledge, which allows him to be paid better than his salary in his original country.
Social Reasons:
· Retired people come to Morocco because their salary can fit them and make them live in a comfortable way in Morocco, contrarily, to their original country where there purchasing power cannot afford them the same living way comparing to morocco.
· Foreign people get married with Moroccan and decide to live in morocco.
· Asthmatic people migrate to morocco to live in some cities which have a micro climate.
Political Reasons:
· Political refugee asks Moroccan government to accept him in their country in order to be protected from political decision that his country imposes him.